Monday, March 31, 2025 5:18 PM ET
7 months ago
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What do Australian political parties actually stand for?1 hour ago
Home prices and rents reach record highs ahead of rates decision45 minutes ago
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Freeman's 'incredible' 400m victory retold by the man who called the race -- Following this week's unveiling of the Brisbane 2032 Olympics plan, we took a dive into the archives to relive, in the words of Bruce McAvaney, one of Australia's most memorable sporting moments.22 minutes ago
In prison and out of his depth, one man started investigating a corrupt cop -- Inside the jail courtyard Adam felt out of place. He had just signed a media deal and was looking forward to stepping into the limelight until it all came crashing down.2 hours ago
An earthquake shook Bangkok's infinity pools. Here's what happened on the ground -- After an earthquake in Myanmar, more than 1,700 people are dead, rescue crews are searching the rubble of a skyscraper in Bangkok, and aid is struggling to reach people in need of medical care, food and water.2 hours ago
Planning Commission lashes Hobart stadium plan -- A panel assessing the proposed Macquarie Point stadium in Hobart believes the government has grossly underestimated the cost and overestimated the benefits to such an extent that it risks Tasmania's credit rating.22 minutes ago
Journey to a Japanese fishing village, where cats have taken over a shrine -- Japanese director Soda Kazuhiro trains his lens on a pack of entitled cats, and what they can tell us about the humans who live with them.2 hours ago
City celebrates historic Sheffield Shield drought breaker -- When former Australian bowler Ryan Harris stepped into the coach's shoes for South Australia's mens cricket team, he told them he was here to win trophies. Seven months later, that promise has been realised.2 hours ago
Tiny towns jump on plan to create Southern Hemisphere's largest rail trail -- Tourists are discovering inland Queensland tiny towns and staying longer thanks to success of rail trails.2 hours ago
Morning-after pill to be made free in England pharmacies -- The pill will be available for free at pharmacies in order to "reduce inequalities", according to the Department of Health and Social Care.12 hours ago
Young men are flocking to right-wing politicians overseas. In Australia there's 'a twist' -- Young men across the world have been embracing right-wing politics, while young women have moved to the left. Will it happen in the Australian election too?1 day ago
Both major parties want less migration. The numbers say it's already falling -- The migration "surge" is a major election issue, but official figures say numbers are already falling, with a big hit due in a couple of years.1 day ago
Labor pulls ahead in poll that had Dutton in front six weeks ago -- Modelling shows Labor ahead in 10 seats where it was behind six weeks ago, putting it in a stronger position to form government.1 day ago
These Victorian seats will be crucial in the upcoming federal election -- Both major parties know Victoria, and in particular Melbourne, will play a major role in determining who wins the federal election. These are the seats to keep an eye on.1 day ago
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'Industrial mercenaries' onslaught sparks deep dive into waterfront dispute - Rewind to 1997 when the Opposition Labor Party breaks the new about a secret group of "industrial mercenaries" training in Dubai to take over the wharfies' jobs. Duration: 32 minutes 41 seconds - 32 - m2 hours ago
Small town's touching battle to save a beloved timber jetty -- The sudden closure of a small jetty has sparked furore in the WA town of Augusta, where locals are reflecting on the deep, meaningful memories made on its timber planks.14 hours ago
Lisa Mott vanished 44 years ago. Police think they're close to cracking the case -- The mystery of what happened to 12-year-old Lisa Mott has baffled police for more than four decades and caused untold anguish to her family. But now detectives say they've made a breakthrough.1 day ago
Stockman and tourism trailblazer Sam Lovell's extraordinary life -- Sam Lovell, the first Aboriginal tourism operator in the Kimberley, is being celebrated in an exhibition at Western Australia's State Library.2 days ago
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