Wednesday, April 24, 2024 11:00 AM ET

Aljazeera - Top Stories

Latest casualty figures

15 minutes ago

Cho­rus of glob­al calls for Gaza mass grave probe as death toll soars

3 hours ago

Columbia extends deadline to end Gaza war protest by 48 hours

18 minutes ago

WATCH: Satellite images show new Israeli military outposts near Gaza

18 minutes ago

UN official demands release of Egyptian human rights defenders

18 minutes ago

Turkish president says Israeli efforts 'to hide massacres should not be allowed'

54 minutes ago

LISTEN: Why Israeli military units could be sanctioned by the US

54 minutes ago

Ukraine wins bi­par­ti­san US sup­port, strikes Rus­sia from afar

54 minutes ago

Co­lum­bia ex­tends dead­line to end Gaza war protest by 48 hours: All to know

1 hour ago

US top diplo­mat Blinken vis­its Chi­na amid es­ca­lat­ed ten­sions over Tai­wan

1 hour ago

North Mace­do­nia votes in pres­i­den­tial polls as EU mem­ber­ship bid looms

2 hours ago

Cost of do­ing busi­ness with Iran? US warns Pak­istan of sanc­tions risk

2 hours ago

Rus­sia ar­rests deputy de­fence min­is­ter sus­pect­ed of tak­ing bribes

4 hours ago

'Ab­solute pow­er': Af­ter pro-Chi­na Mal­dives leader's big win, what's next?

5 hours ago

Par­al­lel econ­o­my: How Rus­sia is de­fy­ing the West's boy­cott

14 hours ago

In Ukraine, low hopes for the lib­er­a­tion of lands oc­cu­pied by Rus­sia

3 hours ago

In­di­an Gulf work­ers: The un­like­ly vot­ers par­ties are woo­ing for elec­tions

7 hours ago

Un­cov­er­ing of mass graves in Gaza: What you need to know

2 hours ago

What is Pro­ject Nim­bus, and why are Google work­ers protest­ing Is­rael deal?

1 day ago

Co­lum­bia, NYU, Yale on the boil over Is­rael's war on Gaza: What's go­ing on?

1 day ago

Modi wants to turn India's election into a Hindu-Muslim war

18 minutes ago

'Fire and forget' in Gaza

21 hours ago

Is­raeli pro­test­ers call for PM's res­ig­na­tion over cap­tives

3 hours ago

Dust storm turns sky or­ange over Athens

3 hours ago

US uni­ver­si­ties crack down on pro-Pales­tine protests

9 hours ago

Will Is­raeli army in­tel­li­gence chief's res­ig­na­tion lead to ac­count­abil­i­ty?

9 hours ago

'I want to make up for mis­takes': The Russ­ian POWs fight­ing for Ukraine

1 day ago

Su­dan war could lead to more eth­nic killings in volatile Dar­fur re­gion

1 day ago

Why Ker­ala isn't buy­ing Modi claim of 'dou­ble-dig­it' win in In­dia elec­tion

2 days ago

Tightrope: Jor­dan's bal­anc­ing act be­tween Iran and Is­rael

2 days ago

Is­rael gave no ev­i­dence UN­R­WA staff linked to 'ter­ror­ism': Colon­na re­port

1 day ago

Aus­tralia's coun­tert­er­ror­ism team ar­rests sev­en teens in overnight raids

4 hours ago

Hezbollah launches deepest attack inside Israel since Gaza war began

5 hours ago