Saturday, September 07, 2024 10:46 PM ET

The Conversation - Politics

Trump campaign violated rules in Arlington National Cemetery visit, cemetery legal expert explains - Tanya D. Marsh, Wake Forest University

1 day ago

Harris campaign tries to beat Trump at his own game − ridicule -- Chris Lamb, Indiana University

1 day ago

Crossing state lines to get an abortion is a new legal minefield, with courts to decide if there's a right to travel -- Naomi Cahn, University of Virginia and Sonia Suter, George Washington University

1 day ago

As a high school teacher and as governor, Tim Walz has tapped the power of geographic information systems, or GIS, to solve complex problems -- Marcia Moreno Báez, Tufts University and Rockford Weitz, Tufts University

2 days ago

Trump's die-hard support may be explained by one of his most misunderstood character traits – 'charisma' -- Michael Scott Bryant, Bryant University

2 days ago

Kamala Harris' purported Irish ancestry highlights complicated backstory of identity and enslavement -- Christine Kinealy, Quinnipiac University; Kimberly DaCosta, New York University, and Miriam Nyhan Grey, Mary Immaculate College

1 day ago

Read the latest Politics + Society articles

2 months ago

No, local election officials can't block certification of results – there are plenty of legal safeguards -- Derek T. Muller, University of Notre Dame

3 days ago

3 years after fall of Kabul, US Congress has still not acted to secure future of more than 70,000 Afghan evacuees in US -- Kelsey Norman, Rice University and Ana Martín Gil, Rice University

24 days ago

Why is Congress filled with old people? -- Charlie Hunt, Boise State University

1 month ago

Life on the US-Mexico border is chaotic. An immigration scholar explains why − and it's not for the reasons that some GOP lawmakers claim -- William McCorkle, College of Charleston

2 months ago

TikTok law threatening a ban if the app isn't sold raises First Amendment concerns -- Anupam Chander, Georgetown University and Gautam Hans, Cornell University

2 months ago

You should call House members 'representatives,' because that's what they are − not 'congressmen' or 'congresswomen' -- Daniel Wirls, University of California, Santa Cruz

2 months ago

How the 14th Amendment prevents state legislatures from subverting popular presidential elections -- Eric Eisner, Johns Hopkins University and David B. Froomkin, University of Houston Law Center

8 days ago

In a new era of campus upheaval, the 1970 Kent State shootings show the danger of deploying troops to crush legal protests -- Brian VanDeMark, United States Naval Academy

10 days ago

Conservative opponents of DEI may not be as colorblind as they claim -- Abigail Folberg, University of Nebraska Omaha; Laura Brooks Dueland, University of Nebraska Omaha, and Mikki Hebl, Rice University

9 days ago

Black voters, Latino voters and other voters of color show solidarity at the ballot box -- Efrén Pérez, University of California, Los Angeles

10 days ago

Offensive names dot the American street map − a new app provides a way to track them -- Derek H. Alderman, University of Tennessee; Daniel Oto-Peralías, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, and Joshua F.J. Inwood, Penn State

24 days ago

An unseen problem with the Electoral College – it tells bad guys where to target their efforts -- Barry C. Burden, University of Wisconsin-Madison

11 days ago

Local elections are less partisan because voters will cross party lines when issues hit close to home -- Edward L. Lascher Jr., California State University, Sacramento; Brian Adams, San Diego State University, and Danielle Martin, California State University, Sacramento

23 days ago

Gov. Josh Shapiro has a reputation for getting things done in Pennsylvania – but not necessarily things all Democrats like -- Daniel J. Mallinson, Penn State

1 month ago

Who will win in Arizona in November? It's a toss-up − like it has been for years -- David R. Berman, Arizona State University

1 month ago

Apps, 911 services and mobile phones don't offset deadly consequences of more restrictive border policies -- Angela Schöpke Gonzalez, University of Michigan

8 days ago

The problem with pronatalism: Pushing baby booms to boost economic growth amounts to a Ponzi scheme -- Emily Klancher Merchant, University of California, Davis and Win Brown, University of Washington

24 days ago

ICE detainees suffer preventable deaths − Q&A with a medical researcher about systemic failures -- Cara R. Muñoz Buchanan, Harvard Kennedy School

1 month ago

How Biden's executive order to protect immigrant spouses of citizens from deportation will benefit their families and communities -- Jane Lilly López, Brigham Young University and Kristina Fullerton Rico, University of Michigan

2 months ago

US is unlikely to stop giving military aid to Israel − because it benefits from it -- Dov Waxman, University of California, Los Angeles

15 days ago

America's Iran policy is a failure − piecemeal deterrence and sanctions can go only so far -- Arie Perliger, UMass Lowell

17 days ago

US military presence in Syria carries substantial risks, but so does complete withdrawal -- Sefa Secen, The Ohio State University

22 days ago

Qatari mediation was already producing diminishing returns – assassination of Hamas negotiator further erodes Gulf state's role -- Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, Rice University

25 days ago

Despite Donald Trump's claims, his gag order holds up against the Constitution -- Lynn Greenky, Syracuse University

25 days ago

Supreme Court ruling may put presidents above the law – but even kings never were -- Jay Rubenstein, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

1 month ago

Trump-appointed federal judge rules Trump's classified document case is unconstitutional – here's how special counsels have been authorized before -- Joshua Holzer, Westminster College

1 month ago

Trump's criminal conviction won't stop him from getting security clearance as president − but Biden can still control his access for now -- Dakota Rudesill, The Ohio State University

1 month ago

'Above the law' in some cases: Supreme Court gives Trump − and future presidents − a special exception that will delay his prosecution -- Claire B. Wofford, College of Charleston

2 months ago

7 years after genocide, plight of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh is exacerbated by camp violence -- Nasir Uddin, University of Chittagong

4 days ago

Putin's visit to Mongolia defies ICC warrant and tests neutral nation's 'third neighbor' diplomacy -- Christopher K. Tong, University of Maryland, Baltimore County and Charles Krusekopf, Royal Roads University

4 days ago

Sure, 2024 has had lots of news – but compared with 1940, 1968 or 1973, it's nothing exceptional -- Philip Klinkner, Hamilton College

1 month ago

Paris Games herald a new anti-corruption era, but carrying the torch may pose an Olympic challenge for the US -- Andy Spalding, University of Richmond

11 days ago

Diplomacy, sanctions and soft power have failed to deter Iran's anti-West agenda − could a new Iranian president change that? -- Nakissa Jahanbani, Penn State and Daniel P. Colletti, United States Military Academy West Point

2 months ago

Joining NATO binds countries to defend each other – but this commitment is not set in stone -- Dan Reiter, Emory University and Brian Greenhill, University at Albany, State University of New York

2 months ago